
2024年11月15日、テキサス連邦裁判所は、FLSA (公平労働基準法) のオーバータイムルールに対して全米で差し止め命令 (インジャンクション) を発令しました。この決定により、これらの新規則の適用が一時的に停止されることとなりました。企業は今後の裁判所の動向に注視し、オーバータイムルールの最終的な適用について注意を払う必要があります。

5月の企業ニュースにて案内させていただきました通り、the US Department of Labor (DOL)は、FLSA に基づく最低賃金と残業代の要件から免除される「ホワイトカラー」の最低賃金を7月1日付で引き上げる規則を発表しましたが、テキサス州裁判所は、同州政府職員への適用を差し止める判断を下しました。 現在、テキサス州政府職員を除いて、全米でこの規則が適用されることになりました。

然し乍ら、テキサス州の差し止め判断が今後他州の同様な判断や2025年1月1日施行が予定されているもう一段の値上げ規則に影響を与える影響も懸念されています。 この DOL 規則の施行については今後も州政府、産業界などの動きが注目されます。

Important Update on
Department of Labor’s New Salary Threshold Requirements

I hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you of an important regulatory update from the Department of Labor (DOL) that will impact employment practices beginning July 1, 2024.

Recently, the DOL announced a significant increase in the minimum annual salary threshold required for employees to qualify as EAP exempt (Executive, Administrative, Professional) or HCE (Highly Compensated Employee). Effective July 1, 2024, to qualify for EAP exempt status, an employee must be paid a minimum annual salary equivalent to $43,888, which translates to $844 per week. Employers operating in states/cities with higher salary thresholds for exempt employees must adhere to the state/city law over the federal law. Please note that states such as CA, CO, NY and WA have such laws.

We recommend reviewing the salaries of your current exempt employees to ensure they meet the new threshold. Employers may use nondiscretionary bonuses and incentive payments (including commissions) paid on an annual or more frequent basis, to satisfy up to 10 percent of the standard salary level. Additionally, if after the 52-week period, the employer has not met its financial obligation, the employer can make a final “catch-up” payment within one pay period after the end of the 52-week period to bring an employee’s compensation up to the required level. For those employees who do not currently meet the updated salary requirement, you may need to consider adjusting their salaries accordingly or reclassifying their status to non-exempt.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that there is another planned increase in January 2025 and beyond. As of now, the DOL plans to review the minimum salary threshold every 3 years. For the latest development, please check https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime/salary-levels.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate your continued partnership and look forward to supporting you through this transition.

Warm regards,
Masato Fujihara
President & CEO